Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Star Tattoo Meanings

Tattoos are and have always been, for more than just decoration. They always hold great meaning. They are just another way to express yourself. Like all types, star tattoo meanings are apparently hidden in their design. Let's see their meanings, designs and ideas. So, we all know that tattoos are cool. But for those of you who think, that they are just designs that you can randomly pick, let me tell you, you are wrong. Tattoo designs hold meaning. Due to this meaning they appeal to us at a certain point of time. Since there are like, a zillion, tattoo designs, I have selected designs to analyze. Let us together see the hidden ideas that are revealed, if you decipher the meaning.

What is the meaning of star tattoos?
If you need to analyze the general meaning of these tattoos, you need to ask yourself, what do stars stand for? Stars stand for ambition, goals, aims, enlightenment, knowledge and beauty. Like you could get a star tattoo at a new beginning in life, when you have a brand new goal. Or it could be done to celebrate a bright moment in your life. They could stand for your dreams, or your choices, too. Let's break it down and understand meanings with reference to tattoo designs.

Shooting star: Shooting stars are to represent a few moments that have left lasting impressions on your life. It could be a crush, an accident, short romance or just a vacation with your family. Shooting stars look gorgeous and are perfect to make the hidden importance of days gone by, apparent.

Nautical Star: Everyone knows how the Three Wise Kings found their way to Bethlehem by following the north star. Before the use of compasses, sailors and travelers used to find their routes with the help of the nautical star (north star). In fact they often got a tattoo of the nautical star (also known as compass star) to ensure that they do not lose their way! This tattoo signifies the will to create one's own path. It stands for protection and guidance.

Pentagram: The Five point star can have 2 meanings. If it is upward facing, it is seen as a sign of balance and protection. Consequently, a downward facing pentagram, stands for the Devil. Hence, it is often said that Devil worshipers have a downward facing pentagram star tattoo, to advertise their love for the Devil.

The Hexagram or the Star of David: The star of David is a very strong symbol in Judaism. It stands for the interaction between humans and the Divine. As per Paganism, it stands for "the blade and the chalice". It is the sign for complete humanity. The star of David is often used to maintain a balance in life.

Nonogram: A nine point star is fairly rare. As it is not very easy to draw, it is seldom chosen. The nonogram stands for achievement and stability. It is used to bring about and keep stability in life. It is quite mystical and since ages, has been said to have special powers!

Star Tattoo Ideas for Guys
These tattoos look great on guys. Nonetheless, guys need to make sure to have them in the right places. Guys can have these tattoos on the following spots: Upper arm Side Back shoulders Wrist. Star Tattoo Design Ideas for Girls

Author: Rashida Khilawala

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