Tattoo pigments have always been a mystical part of becoming a tattoo artist. In the days of the past tattoo pigment recipes and formulas were handed down from generation to generation of tattoo artists. Not to mention they were only available in a handful of colors. Today however, tattoo pigments are readily available for purchase in stores, over the phone, and you can buy tattoo ink pigments online and have them shipped right to you in a wide variety of colors. Related Articles The Best Tattoo Inks / Black Tattoo Ink Pigments Cost of Tattoo Removal Temporary Tattoo Designs Make Fashion Statement Chopper Tattoo V Tattoo Me Now - Who’s best?
There are millions of different variations of colors, all stemming from Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Greens, Blues, Indigos and Violets that you are used to seeing on a color wheel. In 2011 tattoo pigment colors continue to advance with hundreds of variations. offers INTENZE tattoo pigments in over 160 different color variations. Not only does offer a wide selection of tattoo pigments, but they offer tools that let you create your own unique variations of colors.
Snow White Mixing is a tattoo ink that allows you to brighten up a tattoo pigment color and change its hue. Or INTENZE Color Mixing Solution allows you to make the tattoo pigment color a little lighter of a consistency and color. So, based on this you really have an endless number of tattoo pigment color variations that you can explore using your creativity and artist's bravado. If you're not ready to fully explore mixing your own color variations than you have a great selection to choose from of over 160 colors of tattoo pigmentsready for sale.
Learning to use mixing solutions and whites into your tattoo pigments should be learned from another tattoo artist, but the truth is the only way to really learn is by mixing the tattoo ink pigments yourself. Start by talking to more advanced tattoo artists and get tips from them on their favorite techniques in creating their own specialized tattoo pigment colors. Once you get the best tips, you will be off to starting it on your own.
As you can tattoo work has grown creatively each year with new tattoo artists pushing their tattoo ink pigments farther each an every year. This is what makes the tattoo industry so inspiring. Every artist pushes themselves farther creatively which in turn pushes their colleagues farther too resulting in drastic improvements and innovations in style that are ground breaking. Let's face it though, without innovations in tattoo ink pigments there wouldn't be innovations in creativity. Give it a shot, purchase a set of tattoo ink pigments, and if you haven't already, mix a new variation of a tattoo pigment color. The breakthrough in you as an artist will be epic!
Author: super tattoo
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